A Solid Foundation For Putting
by Barry Goldstein
Excess movement with you lower body, hips, shoulders or head is a death sentence for your putting stroke. Any such motion makes it virtually impossible to strike the ball solidly time after time, and you'll find it difficult to get your putts started on the correct line and to control their speed.
If you suspect that you've got excess motion in your putting stroke, try the technique used by Dave Stockton, one of the greatest putters the game has ever seen: take your normal putting posture, but point your toes in, in a slightly pigeon-toed position. Place the majority of your weight firmly on the outsides of your feet. You'll feel as though your legs are bowed slightly like you're riding a horse. These minor adjustments will anchor your lower body in an extremely solid foundation and immediately remove any excess movement from your stroke. Right away, you'll start striking your putts more solidly and consistently.
Excess motion in your putting stroke-with your legs, knees, hips, shoulders and head-will make it virtually impossible for you too hit consistently solid putts.

By assuming a "toed-in" stance with your weight on the outside of your feet, your lower body will be anchored in an extremely solid position which will remove excess motion from your stroke.
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